(Via MAC President Muhammad Babar’s Facebook Post)

Team Muslim Americans for Compassion(MAC) made a trip to deliver essential supplies to the communities affected by the devastating floods in Eastern Kentucky (a piece of heaven on Earth due to its unparalleled natural beauty). Essential supplies included large garbage bags, contractor cleanup bags, tote containers, shovels, mops, scrub brushes, detergents, bleach, reusable washcloths/towels, toilet paper, diapers, adult depends, wipes, soap, shampoo, female hygiene products, toothpastes, inflatable beds/mattresses, adult/children new clothes, blankets, pillows, gloves, different variety of shoes including rain shoes and more.

Muslim Americans for Compassion (MAC) is thankful to its donors and supporters for furthering the cause of human service. Kudos to super volunteers and contributors Ozair Shariff Asadullah Nawabi Waqar Saleem Beth johnson,

Debra Kay Harper Syed T Raza, Sohail Zuberi, Tom Riner, Claudia Riner, Chuck Harper, Fereshteh Ghazi, Naveed Chowhan, Rana K Latif, Haleh Karimi, James Hall, Sandi Hall and Chris Harris. Special thanks to Project Friendship by Rabbi-Avrohom Litvin and his team for the generous support as they are doing an amazing job in flood relief efforts. Muslim Americans for Compassion (MAC) is also thankful to Paul Patel and Shree Swaminarayan Temple for their wonderful support and collaboration.

First drop off was at Big S Market in Topmost, Knott County where Melanie Newsome Little and her family are doing an awesome job in supporting their community. Next stop was in Jackhorn/Hemphill, Letcher County where essential supplies were delivered both at Hemphill Community Center and Hemphill Baptist Church. MAC volunteers then delivered supplies at Cornerstone Church in Whitesburg. Last stop was at Letcher County Central High School where it was amazing to witness the spirit of Kentuckians with a long line of vehicles bringing donations. It was also heartwarming to see State Representive Angie Hatton, District 94 Kentucky House of Representatives working alongside with so many other volunteers and members of Kentucky National Guard to support the affected Kentuckians. KY House District 94 is lucky to have such a relentless and tireless leader who is epitome of public service.

It is humbling to see the big hearts of Kentuckians who have lost everything in these devastating floods but are out there to help their neighbors. Moreover it was so inspiring to see people of different ethnic and religious backgrounds getting together to support fellow human souls. This is humanity at its best.


View more images from the trip at https://www.flickr.com/photos/145265790@N05/albums/72177720301157848

Here’s a video of us with Rabbi Avrohom Litvin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTwzaJ8KUq0

And here’s a video of Dr. Babar with State Representative Angie Hatton: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/HVx0mvGePPI