The Faith Over Fear two day training program, developed to equip faith leaders and communities with effective strategies for better advocating against anti-Muslim bigotry, took place November 10th and 11th.
MAC President Dr. Muhammad Babar served as a guest panelist for a “Strategies for Engagement & Change” panel discussion which focused on key ways to navigate the challenges of reaching beyond those already engaged in the interfaith community.
The approach of the program centers on positive, aspirational and values-based messaging to correct a narrative of fear and divisiveness. It was originally developed collaboratively by Shoulder to Shoulder, the Muslim Association of Puget Sound- Muslim Empowerment Network, Neighbors in Faith, and CAIR-Washington. Locally, the program is additionally supported by Peace Catalyst International, Muslim Americans for Compassion and Interfaith Paths to Peace.
This was an essential dialog to have and we applaud the Faith Over Fear Program for the work that team is doing. We’re happy to support your mission and work beside you.

Dr. Babar answers questions regarding role of interfaith understanding and mutual respect.