MAC volunteers attended the “WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR PEACE NEW YEAR’S DAY INTERFAITH SERVICE” held on Monday, January 1, 2024, 10:00 – 11:00am in Louisville, KY. This was 26th year of this event and it was sponsored by Drepung Gomang Center for Engaging Compassion (DGCEC) and St. Williams Church (1226 W Oak, 40210).

The goal of the event is to set one’s compassionate intention for 2024 during this contemplative gathering, to be inspired by interfaith prayers offered by diverse faith leaders, plus aspirations for a new year of peace, nonviolence, and care for all beings.  Reflective, focused, and inspiring. People from all faiths joined in-person at St. William Church (1226 W Oak, 40210) or via Zoom.

Apart from inspiring prayers from various leaders representing their individual faith tradition, there was also prayers for various issues like fighting social injustice, climate change, gun violence and political divisiveness.

MAC Vice President offered the following “Muslim Prayer for Peace”:

In the name of God, the most beneficent, the most merciful. Praise be to the Lord of the Universe, who has created us and made us into tribes and nations, that we may know each other, not that we may despise each other.

Oh God, we all are gathered here at the start of this new year, people of different faiths but one human race, asking for your blessings and mercy.

Oh Almighty, world is facing so many calamities like famines, climate change, wars, humans against humans, help us live in peace & tranquility.

Oh Lord, help the poor, needy, oppressed, the weak and the hungry. And those of us who are fortunate and have your blessings, give us the desire and courage to act and help the less fortunate, be those in our cities, nation, or in the world.

Oh, God, keep us in a straight path, a path that starts and ends in service of humanity. Oh God, we pray for peace and blessings for all of us. Amen.