Muslim Americans for Compassion (MAC) continued to sponsor scholarships for Dawson Springs Independent School District (Dawson Springs ISD) high school students. This year, five high school seniors were awarded scholarship grants to pursue higher education for the year 2024-25 at colleges across Kentucky.

  • Eryn Sizemore
  • Jonathan Troy Garrett Junior
  • Lucas Elijah Osborne
  • Mackenzie Creekmur
  • Madeline Grace Back

MAC’s relationship with Dawson Springs ISD began in December 2021, after tornadoes struck the town. Our volunteers and board members recognized that many residents were in need of assistance, so we delivered much needed supplies to the town including non-perishable food, hygiene products, baby formula, clothes, diapers, blankets and much more.

Our first supply delivery took place on December 12th, 2021, with follow-up visits on Dec. 14th and 17th. MAC returned to Dawson Springs High School in January 2022 to deliver winter jackets and follow-up with local leaders on a needs assessment. In February 2022, we dropped off blankets, pillows, and warm clothes. In April 2022, MAC collaborated with Islamic Relief USA (IRUSA) to deliver cash assistance cards to local teachers.

Throughout the last few years, it has been a joy to work side by side with the inspiring community in Dawson Springs. Thank you as well to all the volunteers and donors who made our support for the city possible. Our State of Kentucky and its cities are resilient, and we are proud to support our fellow citizens