On September 30, MAC President Muhammad Babar and Sheila Ward of All Peoples, a Unitarian Universalist Congregation, received a joint Donna Craig Volunteer Service Award from the Kentucky Refugee Ministries honoring their volunteer services. We’re honored that they chose to include us in their awards, and we’re so happy we could partner with KRM to serve refugees throughout Kentucky. From their press release:

“Since 2014, KRM has given the Donna Craig Volunteer Service Award at Global Gourmet to honor our founder’s enduring vision of KRM being an organization that brings compassionate and civic-minded members of our community together to help vulnerable refugee and immigrant families rebuild their lives. Our program/fiscal year, which ends on September 30, was one in which KRM served more refugees and immigrants in Louisville than in any previous year in our 33-year history. KRM resettled refugees from such countries as Congo and Syria, hundreds of evacuees from Afghanistan, those fleeing the horrific war in Ukraine, unaccompanied minors from Central America joining family here, and several thousand Cuban migrants leaving deteriorating economic and political conditions to join Louisville’s sizable Cuban-American community. During this year, KRM relied to a crucial degree on community volunteers. These volunteers offered furniture and household items for refugee families; food, clothing and rental assistance; visitation, practical information and orientation; and most of all, a warm welcome to our city.”


Thank you to KRM’s Maha Kolko and Dr. Joseph Brannon for presenting this award. We look forward to sharing your mission of charity and goodwill for years to come.


For more information, read this article from presbyterianmission.org: https://www.presbyterianmission.org/story/ruth-gardner-receives-donna-craig-volunteer-award-from-kentucky-refugee-ministries/