On March 7 and 8, 2018, Jason Criss Howk Author, a retired U.S. Army major author, public speaker, adjunct lecturer, and advisor, visited Louisville to discuss his book, “The Qur’an: A Chronological Modern English Interpretation.” Muslim Americans for Compassion, in partnership with Interfaith Paths to Peace, the Rotary Club of Louisville, and the Louisville Islamic Center of Compassion – River Road Mosque, hosted several events throughout Howk’s visit. More than 200 Community leaders, government representatives, and members of several faith traditions attended events held at the Rotary Club of Louisville, Interfaith Paths to Peace and the home of MAC President Dr. Muhammad Babar. Howk also appeared on WAVE 3 news to discuss his book. That interview can be seen here. http://www.wave3.com/…/army-veteran-writes-new-english-tran… .
Howk said that he wrote his translation of the Qur’an to help non-Muslims better understand Islam.
“This is not an attempt to spread a religion or to denigrate it,” said Howk. “I offer it as a gift to anyone seeking to bridge the gap in their understanding of Islam. In the end, education and understanding—and acceptance of other cultures—will unite the world against hatred. Let this be a part of that education.”
During Howk’s 23 years in the U.S. Army, he served on joint, interagency, and multinational teams conducting defense, diplomacy, education, and intelligence missions.
“The Qur’an: A Chronological Modern English Interpretation” is available Old Stone Press. See http://oldstonepress.com/library/quran/ for more information.